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Complaint Filing Procedure


状态 链接到机构 电话
阿拉巴马州 阿拉巴马州 Commission on Higher Education
Link not found for complaint process. General link provided.
阿拉斯加 阿拉斯加 Commission on Postsecondary Education
Link not found for complaint process. General link provided.
亚利桑那州 亚利桑那州 State Board for Private Postsecondary Education 602.542.5709
阿肯色州  阿肯色州 Department of Higher Education 501.371.2000
加州 Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education 916.431.6959 or 888.370.7589
科罗拉多州 科罗拉多州 Department of Higher Education 303.866.2723
康涅狄格 State of 康涅狄格 Department of Higher Education
Forms are available.
特拉华州 特拉华州 Department of Education
Link not found for complaint process. General link provided.
302.735.4120 or 800.292.7935

District of Columbia
Office of the State Superintendent of Education 202.727.6436
佛罗里达 佛罗里达 Department of Education 888.224.6684 or 850.245.3200
乔治亚州 乔治亚州 Department of Education 404.656.2800 or 800.311.3627
夏威夷 Office of Consumer Protection Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs 808.586.2630
爱达荷州 爱达荷州 State Department of Education 800.432.4601 or 208.332.6800
伊利诺斯州 Institutional Complaint with the 伊利诺斯州 Board of Higher Education (IBHE) 217.782.2551
印第安纳州 印第安纳州 Commission for Higher Education 317.464.4400
爱荷华州 爱荷华州 College Student Aid Commission
Link not found for complaint process. General link provided.
堪萨斯 堪萨斯 Board of Regents 785.296.4917
肯塔基州 肯塔基州 Department of Education
Link not found for complaint process. General link provided.
502.564.2002 or 866.538.7435
路易斯安那州 路易斯安那州 Board of Regents
Link not found for complaint process. General link provided.
缅因州 缅因州 Department of Education
Link not found for complaint process. General link provided.
马里兰 马里兰 Higher Education Commission
Link not found for complaint process. General link provided.
410.767.3301 or 800.974.0203
麻萨诸塞州 麻萨诸塞州 Department of Education 617.994.6950
密歇根 密歇根 Department of Education 517.373.3324
明尼苏达州 明尼苏达州 Office of Higher Education 651.642.0567 or 800.657.3866
密西西比州 密西西比州 Commission on College 认证
Link not found for complaint process. General link provided.
密苏里州 密苏里州 Department of Higher Education does require students to pursue resolution through institutional processes—which are required as part of the licensure standards—the department does maintain a process for the review of student complaints at licensed schools.
Information about that process is not currently available from the department's website but is distributed to students upon request.
蒙大拿 蒙大拿 University System
Link not found for complaint process. General link provided.
内布拉斯加州 内布拉斯加州 Department of Education
Not available online.
内华达 Commission on Postsecondary Education 702.486.7330
新汉普郡 新汉普郡 Department of Education
Complaints regarding non-compliance with agency 新汉普郡 Code of Administrative 规则. Made to Executive Director of the Commission.
新泽西 State of 新泽西 Higher Education
Link not found for complaint process. General link provided.
新墨西哥 新墨西哥 Higher Education Department
Link not found for complaint process. General link provided.
纽约 纽约 State Education Department 518.474.2593
北卡罗莱纳 If the complaint cannot be resolved after exhausting the institution's grievance procedure, the student may file a complaint with the following office: Post-Secondary Education Complaints, c/o Assistant Director of Licensure and Workforce Studies, University of 北卡罗莱纳 General 政府, 910 Raleigh Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27515.
The student may contact UNC General 政府 for further details.
北达科他 Department of Career and Technical Education
Link not found for complaint process. General link provided.
俄亥俄州 俄亥俄州 Department of Education
Not available online.
614.995.1545 or 877.644.6338
俄克拉何马州 俄克拉何马州 State Regents for Higher Education
Link not found for complaint process. General link provided.
俄勒冈州 俄勒冈州 Department of Education
Not available online.
宾西法尼亚 宾西法尼亚 Department of Education
Link not found for complaint process. General link provided.
波多黎各 For IHEs' go to PRCHE - Chapter XIII: COMPLAINTS - Article 87 - Page Number 113
For other postsecondary non degree granting go to PRGEC - Article 3.4 (in Spanish): Education Commission of the States
罗德岛州 罗德岛州 Board of Governors of Higher Education
Link not found for complaint process. General link provided.
南卡罗来纳 南卡罗来纳 Commission on Higher Education 803.737.2260
南达科塔州 南达科塔州 Board of Regents
Link not found for complaint process. General link provided.
田纳西州 田纳西州 Higher Education Commission
Link not found for complaint process. General link provided.
德州 德州 Higher Education Coordinating Board
Link not found for complaint process. General link provided.
犹他州 犹他州 Division of Consumer Protection 801.530.6601 or 800.721.安全
佛蒙特州 State of 佛蒙特州 Department of Education 802.828.5101
维吉尼亚州 State Council of Higher Education for 维吉尼亚州 804.371.2285
华盛顿 华盛顿 Higher Education Coordinating Board 360.753.7800
西维吉尼亚州 西维吉尼亚州 Higher Education Policy Commission
Link not found for complaint process. General link provided.
威斯康辛州 State of 威斯康辛州 Educational Approval Board 608.266.1996
怀俄明 怀俄明 Department of Education 307.777.6210
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